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Unclog A Drain

by | Jul 13, 2023

unclog a drain

Unclog a drain—every homeowner’s nemesis! Picture this: you’re washing dishes, and suddenly, the water starts rising like it’s auditioning for a horror movie. Fear not! In this article, we’ll reveal the secrets to banishing drain clogs and restoring peace to your pipes. Ready to plunge into drain-saving knowledge? Let’s dive in!


Unclogging a drain can be a frustrating task, but fear not! With a few simple techniques and a dash of determination, you can bid farewell to those stubborn clogs and restore the smooth flow of water in no time. Let’s dive right into some tried-and-true methods for unclogging drains.

The Plunger: Your Trusty Ally

Ah, the plunger, a classic tool in the battle against drain clogs. Its simple design and powerful suction make it an essential weapon in your unclogging arsenal. Here’s how to put it to good use:

  1. Choose the right plunger: Opt for a cup plunger with a flat bottom, as it’s specifically designed for sinks and drains.

  2. Create a seal: Ensure the plunger’s cup fully covers the drain opening, forming a tight seal. This will maximize the suction effect.

  3. Plunge away: Firmly push the plunger up and down, maintaining a steady rhythm. The pressure changes will dislodge the clog and encourage it to move along.

  4. Repeat if necessary: If the clog persists, give it another go. Sometimes, a few rounds of plunging are required to conquer a stubborn obstruction.


science behind baking soda and vinagarNow, let’s explore a scientific yet fascinating method to unclog drains using two common household ingredients: baking soda and vinegar. This dynamic duo can create a fizzing reaction that helps break down stubborn clogs. Here’s the procedure:

  1. Step 1: Clear the drain: Remove any visible debris or standing water from the drain before proceeding.
  2. Step 2: Baking soda: Start by pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain. Ensure it reaches the clogged area as much as possible.
  3. Step 3: Vinegar: Follow up the baking soda with a cup of vinegar. The combination of baking soda and vinegar creates a chemical reaction that generates foam and bubbles.
  4. Step 4: Cover and wait: Quickly cover the drain opening with a drain plug or any suitable cover to prevent the fizzing action from escaping. Let the mixture sit for about 15-30 minutes.
  5. Step 5: Boiling water: After the waiting period, remove the cover and carefully pour boiling water down the drain. The hot water will flush away the dissolved clog, leaving your drain clear and unclogged.


In some cases, regular plunging or using baking soda and vinegar may not be enough to conquer the toughest of clogs. Fear not, intrepid unclogger! There are other methods you can employ to vanquish those stubborn obstructions. Let’s explore a few of them:

1. The Plumbing Snake: A Flexible Warrior

A plumbing snake, also known as an auger, is a flexible tool specifically designed to navigate through pipes and dislodge clogs. Here’s how to use it effectively:

  • Insert the snake’s tip into the drain opening and keep pushing it forward until you encounter resistance.

  • Rotate the snake clockwise or counterclockwise to break through the clog. Maintain a gentle but firm pressure to avoid damaging the pipes.

  • Continue advancing the snake until you feel the clog loosen or break apart. Then, slowly retract the snake while maintaining pressure to catch any debris.

2. Chemical Drain Cleaners: Handle with Care

Chemical drain cleaners can be an option for dealing with stubborn clogs, but exercise caution as they contain powerful ingredients that can be harmful if mishandled. Follow these guidelines when using chemical drain cleaners:

  • Read and strictly adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

  • Wear protective gloves and eye goggles to safeguard yourself from any potential splashes or accidents.

  • Pour the recommended amount of the drain cleaner down the drain and let it sit for the specified duration.

  • After the allotted time, flush the drain with copious amounts of water to remove the dissolved clog and residual cleaner.


If you prefer a more natural and eco-friendly approach, fret not! You can whip up effective drain cleaners using common household items. These DIY drain cleaners are not only gentler on the environment but also safer for you. Let’s explore five concoctions that pack a punch:

1. Baking Soda and Salt

  • Mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of table salt.

  • Pour the mixture down the drain, followed by boiling water.

  • Let it sit for a few hours or overnight.

  • Flush the drain with hot water.

2. Vinegar and Lemon Juice

  • Combine one cup of vinegar with half a cup of lemon juice.

  • Pour the mixture down the drain and let it fizz for a few minutes.

  • Rinse the drain with hot water.

3. Baking Soda and Cream of Tartar

  • Mix one cup of baking soda with one cup of cream of tartar.

  • Pour the mixture down the drain and leave it for about an hour.

  • Flush the drain with hot water.

4. Salt and Borax

  • Mix half a cup of salt with half a cup of borax.

  • Pour the mixture down the drain and let it sit for at least 30 minutes.

  • Rinse the drain with hot water.

5. Hot Water and Dish Soap

  • Squirt a generous amount of dish soap down the drain.

  • Follow it up with a kettle full of boiling water.

  • Let it sit for a few minutes, then flush with hot water.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the quickest way to unblock a drain?

For a quick fix, reach for the trusty plunger! Create a tight seal over the drain and vigorously plunge up and down to dislodge the clog. It’s a simple yet effective method that can provide fast results.

What really works to unclog drains?

Several methods work wonders for unclogging drains. Besides plunging, you can try using a plumbing snake to break through stubborn clogs or create a chemical reaction using baking soda and vinegar. Each method has its merits, so choose the one that suits your situation best.

Can I unblock a drain myself?

Absolutely! Unclogging a drain is a task that can often be tackled independently. With the right tools and techniques, such as plunging, using natural drain cleaners, or employing a plumbing snake, you can successfully restore proper flow to your drain without calling a professional.

What can unstop a clogged drain without vinegar?

If you prefer to avoid using vinegar, fear not! You have alternative options. One effective method is using a combination of baking soda and salt. Mix equal parts of baking soda and salt, pour it down the drain, and follow up with boiling water. This concoction can work wonders in breaking down clogs.

Can I pour vinegar down a clogged drain?

Yes, vinegar can be an excellent natural remedy for unclogging drains. The combination of vinegar and baking soda creates a chemical reaction that can help break down clogs. However, if you’re looking for alternatives, there are other effective methods available, as mentioned earlier, like using a plumbing snake or natural drain cleaners.


Final Thoughts About Unclog A Drain

By now, armed with these unclogging techniques and homemade drain cleaners, you’re well-equipped to tackle any drain clog that comes your way. Remember, prevention is key, so try to minimize the amount of debris and substances that go down your drains. Happy unclogging!